The Irish Mob

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3 posters


    Can't Triforce
    Can't Triforce

    Posts : 355 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Tattoos

    Post by Rhosauce Mon May 16, 2011 10:10 pm

    I can't recall if we have a thread for tats already and I am far too lazy to check at the moment.

    Anyhoot, got my fifth last week with Eph.

    Tattoos Snapsh10

    I apologize for looking grimey - it was 2 A.M.

    It is a symbol for strength. It also satisfies my dorky desire to get a Fairy Tail tattoo since this one is pretty simple but striking in design, much like the ones in Fairy Tail.

    Post your pictures, ladies and gentlemen!
    The Dagda
    The Dagda

    Posts : 602 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by ephie Sun May 22, 2011 1:56 am

    Tattoos 230006_10150189309792282_511282281_7321013_5535970_n

    Got that with Rho. Stared at her the whole time in the mirror with no expression on my face and my eyes wide open. Yeah boy.
    Can't Triforce
    Can't Triforce

    Posts : 355 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by Rhosauce Sun May 22, 2011 6:47 am

    ephie wrote:Got that with Rho. Stared at her the whole time in the mirror with no expression on my face and my eyes wide open. Yeah boy.

    Nope. You winced and cringed a few times. I even heard you say, "Ow, fuck."


    We can't be the only tattoo enthusiasts in here. Speak up, heathens!
    Sad Keanu
    Sad Keanu

    Posts : 48 Join date : 2011-02-02

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by catalyticCthulhu Wed May 25, 2011 2:21 pm

    I still need to get some ink.. Been waiting to think of something really special(and to have money to blow on it). You can design tats, right Rho? I want a really awesome, unique Cthulhu.

    I want to do it myself, but doubt I have the skills.

    My original plan was for a Pacman, dots, and a ghost or two around my bicep.. But apparently that was done in a PA strip.. So that turned me off.. Otherwise Binary, barcodes, and chemical diagrams are overdone.
    Can't Triforce
    Can't Triforce

    Posts : 355 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by Rhosauce Wed May 25, 2011 6:10 pm

    Err... I can try. As soon as I find my artbook.

    Sad Keanu
    Sad Keanu

    Posts : 48 Join date : 2011-02-02

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by catalyticCthulhu Wed May 25, 2011 6:29 pm

    No hurry obviously.. I am mostly just curious to see your work in action on something of prime interest to me.. If it is awesometastic, I may just get it permanently placed on my body.. I think if Cthulhu is cool now after being written by a xenophobic recluse from 90 years ago, it's safe to assume it always will be :)
    The Dagda
    The Dagda

    Posts : 602 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by ephie Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:56 am

    Tattoos 247510_10150200597892282_511282281_7429838_8054065_n

    Numero 4 y 5.
    The Dagda
    The Dagda

    Posts : 602 Join date : 2010-11-26

    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

    Post by ephie Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:16 am

    Tattoos 431983_10150595735272282_112232564_n

    Number six. Avatar: The Last Airbender Earth Kingdom. Fuuuuuuck yeahs.

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    Tattoos Empty Re: Tattoos

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