There has been some talk about funds going to certain states to begin high-speed rail projects in major areas to connect heavily populated city centers with each other.
Wisconsin and Ohio refused the funding, being against the idea of high speed rail, so the money was distributed to California and Florida - which increased the amount of money for their projects.
Here's the Huff Post article: States move ahead with high speed rail project
I like the general idea of a high-speed rail system. Having lived in Japan, public transportation is integral in a metropolitan area, and I love public transportation (at least back home). I can see how this would benefit certain parts of the U.S. but I don't know that it's really a good idea just yet. I think the country needs to improve existing systems of public transportation before they go embarking on a multi-billion dollar shiny railway project.
Not to mention, I think they also have to look at the socio-demographic use of such transportation. People who work in the cities rely on the train, which is fine because they can afford to take the train all they want. But people who are poorer take rely on the bus, which is generally cheaper than the train. If the way we perceive public transportation doesn't change from "poor man's ride" to "public transportation", I think the high-speed rail will suffer in the long run. But of course, I'm hopeful that perhaps I'm wrong in my thinking and it will not only be successful, but also reduce the number of cars on the road helping the environment in some way.
What are your thoughts? Are you for high-speed? Against, don't care, don't know? Talk amongst yourselves.
Wisconsin and Ohio refused the funding, being against the idea of high speed rail, so the money was distributed to California and Florida - which increased the amount of money for their projects.
Here's the Huff Post article: States move ahead with high speed rail project
I like the general idea of a high-speed rail system. Having lived in Japan, public transportation is integral in a metropolitan area, and I love public transportation (at least back home). I can see how this would benefit certain parts of the U.S. but I don't know that it's really a good idea just yet. I think the country needs to improve existing systems of public transportation before they go embarking on a multi-billion dollar shiny railway project.
Not to mention, I think they also have to look at the socio-demographic use of such transportation. People who work in the cities rely on the train, which is fine because they can afford to take the train all they want. But people who are poorer take rely on the bus, which is generally cheaper than the train. If the way we perceive public transportation doesn't change from "poor man's ride" to "public transportation", I think the high-speed rail will suffer in the long run. But of course, I'm hopeful that perhaps I'm wrong in my thinking and it will not only be successful, but also reduce the number of cars on the road helping the environment in some way.
What are your thoughts? Are you for high-speed? Against, don't care, don't know? Talk amongst yourselves.