1. Determine Characteristics
Find a blank investigator sheet. Be sure it is for the right era of play. Write your name in the space on the side.
- Ro1l 3D6 once each for the Characteristics STR, CON, POW, DEX, and APP. Enter tht results on
the investigator sheet ,in the appropriate spaces. Use a pencil. Wrile lightly enough that you can erase.
- Roll 2D6+6 once each for SIZ and INT. Enter the results.
- Roll 3D6+6 for the characteristic EDU. Enter the result.
- SAN equals POW x5. Write in that amount.
These numbers are your investigator's skeleton. Be alert for ways to flesh out your investigator by explaining the numbers you rolled.
Determine Additional background
At sometime-it needen't be now-fill in other information on the front side of the investigator sheet. Under the investigator name. write in colleges and degrees if appropriate, and a birthplace.- Marks, scars, and mental disorders may come in the course of play.
- Be sure your name is on the left side of the sheet, not at the top. The top is where your investigator’s name goes.
- The minimum age for an investigator is EDU+6 years. For each ten years older you make your investigator than that, add a point of EDU and allot an additional 20 occupation points. With maturity comes mortality: for each ten years above age 40, subtract your choice of 1 STR, 1 CON, 1 DEX, or 1 APP.
The back of the investigator’s sheetis mostly self-explanatory. See the About Investigators chapter, “Reverse Side of the Sheet” (p. 50).
Investigator Yearly Income and Property
Select the appropriate era of play—1890s, 1920s, or Present.For the 1890s, roll 1D10: a result of 1 = $500 + room & board, 2 = $1000, 3 = $1500; 4 = $2000, 5 = $2500, 6 = $3000, 7 = $4000, 8 = $5000, 9 = $5000, 10 = $10,000.
For the 1920s, roll 1D10: a result of 1 = $1500 + room & board, 2 = $2500, 3 + 4 = $3500, 5 = $4500, $6 = 5500, 7 = $6500, 8 = $7500, 9 = $10,000, 10 = $20,000.
For the Present, roll 1D10: a result of 1 = $15,000, 2 = $25,000, 3 = $35,000, 4 = $45,000, 5 = $55,000, 6 = $75,000, 7 = $100,000, 8 = $200,000, 9 = $300,000, 10 = $500,000.
The investigator also has property and other assets of value equal to five times yearly income: an investigator in the Present who makes $55,000 has $225,000 in assets. One tenth of that is banked as cash. Another one tenth is in stocks and bonds, convertible in 30 days. The remainder is in old books, a house, or whatever seems appropriate to the character.
Damage Bonuses
2 to 12 -1D6
13 to 16 -1D4
17 to 24 +0
25 to 32 +1D4
33 to 40 +1D6
41 to 56 +2D6
57 to 72 +3D6
73 to 88 +4D6
For each +16 or fraction
thereof, +1D6 more
2. Determine Characteristic Rolls
• In the characteristics box, multiply INT x5 for Idea, POW x5 for Luck, and EDU x5 for Know, and enter the results.
• Add STR to SIZ, and find the die roll in the Damage Bonus Table nearby. Write in the result for Damage Bonus. The roll may be positive or negative; if none, write in none.
• Enter the number 99 for 99 minus Cthulhu Mythos. If your investigator gains points in that skill, lower this number by a like amount.
3. Determine Derived Characteristic Points
The Hit Points box is directly below the Characteristics & Rolls Box. Add CON + SIZ and divide by 2: round up any fraction. Circle the resulting number in the hit points box. If your investigator loses hit points, mark them off with pencil slashes, which can be erased as the investigator regains hit points. The circled number represents the investigator’s maximum hit points. In the Magic Points box, circle that number equal to POW. If your investigator loses magic points, mark them off with pencil slashes, then erase the slashes as the investigator regains magic points. The circled number is the maximum magic points regenerated. In the Sanity Points box, circle that number equal to SAN. Sanity points rise and fall; use pencil slashes to show their present number. Unless POW changes, SAN will not change. As the investigator accumulates Cthulhu Mythos skill points, black out an equal number of Sanity points, starting with 99 and working down. Blacked out Sanity points are a ceiling into which current Sanity points cannot be increased.
4. Determine Occupation & Skills
A. Find the proper era in the Investigator Yearly Income and Property box nearby, and roll 1D10: your investigator has that much money and property. Enter the amounts in the Cash and Property box on the back of the investigator sheet.
B. Choose an occupation that you find befitting the investigator’s characteristics and income. Choose from the Sample Occupations listed in the About Investigators chapter, or consult w th your keeper and create a new occupation. If you want a specific occupation for which the characteristics are already tuned, see the “Alternate Ways” box on p. 41, and apply one of those methods. Then return here. Multiply the investigator’s EDU by 20, and allot those points only to the eight or so skills listed for the occupation. The skills are found on the front of the investigator sheet. You can have up to 99 points per skill. Hand-to-hand and firearm values are found on the Weapons Table, in the Game System chapter. Write in the pertinent data in the boxes at the bottom of the investigator sheet front.
C. Multiply the investigator’s INT x10. These are personal interest points, and can increase any skill except Cthulhu Mythos. Add these points to any printed base chances printed on the investigator sheet, and any amounts already in the blanks to the right of the skills. Total the amount for each skill. Allot every point; points unallocated are lost. Weapon skills are found in the Hand-to-Hand and Firearms boxes just below Skills. Not all skills need to be given points. A single skill of 70% or 80% may be much more valuable than two skills of 35% or 40% each.
5. Determine Weapons
The Hand-to-Hand Weapons box contains four personal attacks: information about their attacks is found on the Weapons Table, on pp. 64-65. Unless the investigator’s damage bonus is zero, enter it after each weapon’s attack damage in the Hand-to-Hand Weapons box (for instance 1D3+1D4 for the Fist/Punch skill).
Swords and fists are hand-to-hand weapons; pistols and shotguns are firearms.
Firearms may be era-dependent. For instance, no M16 assault rifles exist in the 1920s.
If allotting skill points to firearms, add the points to the appropriate firearm classes (on the front of the investigator sheet) as well as to the particular weapon. For instance, adding 20 points to .38
Revolver means that weapon is written in as 40% in the Firearms box, that Handgun rises to 40% in the firearms classes just above the Firearms box, and that skill with other handguns (if the investigator obtains them) also rises by twenty percentiles.
Last edited by Griggle990 on Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:53 pm; edited 5 times in total